Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Check this blurb out:

CPCC Proposes Increased Copying Levy; New Levies for Digital Audio Players & Memory Cards

The Canadian Private Copying Collective (CPCC) has proposed a new Private Copying Tariff for 2008 and 2009 that would see levies increase from $0.21 to $0.29 on CD-R/RWs, and from $0.77 to $0.85 on CD-R/RW Audio discs and MiniDiscs. The Collective is also attempting (for the second time) to add levies to products like digital memory cards and digital audio recorders. The current private copying tariff expires on December 31, 2007.

1. There is no public records for where this money goes. Does it go to the artists? Or does it go to some CEO's big house, new car, or 2nd wife.

2. ok...let's say it is going to the artists. How is it allocated? Who oversees it? I don't see private bands getting this money. How is it regulated? If I say I'm a band. Do I get some of the money?

The Copyright Act identifies the general types of copyright holder on whose behalf private copying royalties are collected and are eligible for payment. Songwriters, music publishers, recording artists and record companies – those with rights in the music copied – are all eligible. While songwriters and music publishers are eligible regardless of nationality, only Canadian recording artists and record companies may receive payments under current law.

ok, let's say I am copying music from American/European artists only, STOP charging me.

3. Why in the good Lord's name are you raising the prices?

4. Ok, let's say I am copying music. If I bought it, I can copy it as much as I want for personal use.

5. By blanketing all recording media with the levy, you're assuming that EVERYONE who buys recording media is stealing music. Gee, I thought that was somehting called innocent before guilty.

6. Now you want to cover the digital memory cards!!! Ever heard of something called Digital Cameras? I don't think they use digital memory cards for copying music.

This is all a whole load of crap.
Contact them and tell them what you think!

150 Eglinton Avenue East
Suite 403
Toronto, Ontario M4P 1E8
416-486-6832 or 1-800-892-7235
416 486 3064(fax)

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