The day started out much better than yesterday, slightly overcast, great for capturing pictures!
We thought we got up early enough, but alas, the groups of tour buses were chugging along with us.
*anyone planning to get a week long pass to Angkor, here is a tip, do not trim the laminate around your pass.*
I thought I would make mine more pocket friendly, little did I know that they do a little hole punch each time you visit, strange considering that it has the expiry date on the card itself!
But we managed to get going after the confusion. The sights are definately getting busier, but if you have the time and patience, if you sit and wait long enough, the crowd ebbs enough to get decent shots without anyone in it! Unlike places like the Louvre, where getting a clear shot of the Mona Lisa is NOT happening.
We took off early, got Bas Reliefed out, plus we have lots of time. And we wanted to head to the massage parlour, where it is run by disadvantaged/blind Cambodians who have suffered during the Khmer years and this is a great way for them to get income and get off the streets. Later tonight, we are off to a cooking school for disadvantaged children to interact with tourists to practice their english and skills.
Great way to support the locals in a postive way! AND eat good food!
Here are some pictures we managed to resize for the blog.
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