Sunday, September 28, 2008

BC Lions and Ryan's Birthday

Ryan was celebrating his this weekend and the boys took him out to the Lions game. BC whooped the Ti-Cats 40-10 and it was a blast!

The Lions sell these horns at the game, but we have been ingeniously using them as horns AND beer bongs. Check out the clip

Also, Russell beer bought the rights to sell beer over Molson and Russell beer sucks, tastes horrible and they charge the same as Canadian was charging. Boo......Russell Beer

Sunday, September 14, 2008

New Microsoft Commercial, 2nd Part

The 2nd in the series of MS ads with Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld got aired a few days ago.

Link here MS Ad

This is what I think.
The Mac commercials are horrible. They play down to a petty level where companies dig each other.
Much like the political farce in N. America, I don't need to see companies/individuals try to make themselves feel better by making someone else look bad.

Mac, I think, looks petty and not confident of it's abilities if it has to point out the flaws of other people to make itself look better.

The Mac commercials could easily have been as effective by portraying their ease of use without digging into Vista and MS.

My 2cents.

That said, I'm not quite sure what MS is trying to do with these ads. They are funny, but I haven't seen the larger picture yet, although they are creating buzz which is never a bad thing.

Friday, September 12, 2008

RedBull Soapbox race!

What a great event, the weather was super nice, sun was out and people were having a great time.

They closed off 4th from Yew to Burrard and let people with homemade soapbox race each other down the hill.

I am surprised that no one made a Flintstones-esqe soapbox.

Anyway, here is a clip from one of the race.

Friday, May 9, 2008

RCMP Taser 82 yr old man wielding knife in hospital

Well, I just don't know what to say. You think three people could take out an 82 yr old man wielding a knife...yeesh

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Remember Semi's Turn Wide!!

Wondering why traffic is so bad driving home today.

Here's why!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Lululemon's April Fool's Joke

The "Mansey"
What a great piece of marketing to draw some laughs, giggles and maybe some retching as well!
As I was walking down 4th Ave on a nice sunny day, I cross the Lululemon store and see this full size poster of a guy with fire crotch in a red one piece and thong back. Definitely caught my eye!

Took some pics of the store displayer, as it is only an April Fools joke.

Google Mansy and you'll find a lot of people blogging about it.


Saturday, March 1, 2008

What a cute dog!

We left our dog outside while we checked out a showroom and look what Dekker did because it was raining lightly.
It is good to have him back, he was feeling a little down because his stomach was feeling a little grumbly for awhile.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

2nd Day at Angkor

The day started out much better than yesterday, slightly overcast, great for capturing pictures!
We thought we got up early enough, but alas, the groups of tour buses were chugging along with us.
*anyone planning to get a week long pass to Angkor, here is a tip, do not trim the laminate around your pass.*
I thought I would make mine more pocket friendly, little did I know that they do a little hole punch each time you visit, strange considering that it has the expiry date on the card itself!
But we managed to get going after the confusion. The sights are definately getting busier, but if you have the time and patience, if you sit and wait long enough, the crowd ebbs enough to get decent shots without anyone in it! Unlike places like the Louvre, where getting a clear shot of the Mona Lisa is NOT happening.
We took off early, got Bas Reliefed out, plus we have lots of time. And we wanted to head to the massage parlour, where it is run by disadvantaged/blind Cambodians who have suffered during the Khmer years and this is a great way for them to get income and get off the streets. Later tonight, we are off to a cooking school for disadvantaged children to interact with tourists to practice their english and skills.
Great way to support the locals in a postive way! AND eat good food!
Here are some pictures we managed to resize for the blog.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Ultimate Faux Pas

So I am sitting on a bus from Kompong Thom to Siem Reap and there is a bee/wasp flying near me on the inside window. I am allergic to their stings so I wasn't too impressed.

Anyway, I had a book with me and was just about to say bye bye to the thing....when I remember that there are two buddhist monks sitting in front of me.....needless to say, I ended up not killing the bee as that would seriously have been frowned upon!

Monday, January 21, 2008


The state of a people...
Being in a country where poverty hits so many and seeing how people can overcome and see the brighter side is an amazing feeling.
However, knowing how/why they are able to have the "glass is full" attitude due to their political unrest also brings sadness to the heart.
I wish these people the best and hope they are able to rebound and grow into the once glorious country they were before.
They work tirelessly, always friendly and with a smile.
Coming here makes us realize that our problems in our normal everyday lives pale in comparison.
In short, don't take for granted what you have, live life to it's fullest. And always tell people how you feel, you may never get another chance....

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Blu Ray FTW!

I just read ( I know, the news has been out for a few days now), that Warner and New Line have both gone exclusive Blu Ray.

So, if it wasn't for the fact that everyone at Paramount is a greedy SOB and had not taken the payout of $16 million for the next 18 months, Blu Ray would be sole survivor of the format wars.

I read an interesting comment posted in the article:

"Arguing over over Blu Ray and HD DVD is like arguing over a 30GB HDD and a 50GB HDD."

Which is very true. I like to use a more extreme example, would you use them old Zip drives or one of the USB thumbdrives? Both allow the transfer of info, but one clearly holds more and is faster! (hint: it's the USB thumbdrive)

And since this is a blog and nothing has to be factual, I read that Toshiba owns the patent rights to the DVD format and everyone who has been using it needs to pay a royalty fee. Thus HD DVD is based on DVD and would mean that Toshiba would continue to make royalties if it were to be the winner of the format wars. Oh...that's why they bought out Paramount...

Blu Ray: point, set and give me Transformers and the Bourne series on Blu Ray!!!