Thursday, January 10, 2008

Blu Ray FTW!

I just read ( I know, the news has been out for a few days now), that Warner and New Line have both gone exclusive Blu Ray.

So, if it wasn't for the fact that everyone at Paramount is a greedy SOB and had not taken the payout of $16 million for the next 18 months, Blu Ray would be sole survivor of the format wars.

I read an interesting comment posted in the article:

"Arguing over over Blu Ray and HD DVD is like arguing over a 30GB HDD and a 50GB HDD."

Which is very true. I like to use a more extreme example, would you use them old Zip drives or one of the USB thumbdrives? Both allow the transfer of info, but one clearly holds more and is faster! (hint: it's the USB thumbdrive)

And since this is a blog and nothing has to be factual, I read that Toshiba owns the patent rights to the DVD format and everyone who has been using it needs to pay a royalty fee. Thus HD DVD is based on DVD and would mean that Toshiba would continue to make royalties if it were to be the winner of the format wars. Oh...that's why they bought out Paramount...

Blu Ray: point, set and give me Transformers and the Bourne series on Blu Ray!!!

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